Training of Trainers for Capacity Building of Paralegals: Sri Lanka, January 2016

tot2The South Asian Institute of Advanced Legal and Human Rights Studies [SAILS], in association with BRAC University and IDEAL Centre for Social Justice [CSJ] organised a Training of Trainers(TOT) for Capacity Building of Paralegals from 5 th January-9 th January 2016 at Rani Beach Resort, Negombo, Sri Lanka.

The workshop was organised in furtherance of the overall vision of SAILS, BRACU and CSJ to build a cadre of legal professionals across South Asia who will
further and promote paralegalism as a body of thought and practice by training trainers and paralegals for the legal empowerment of the poor and ensuring access to justice for theoverall development of the South Asian region.

The training of trainers workshop was attended by 22 participants from six SAARC countries
including Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal and India. Over five days of the
workshop, the master trainers were trained in designing training sessions for paralegals by
incorporating principles of adult learning and alternative legal education. The training
workshop was holistically designed keeping in mind the fundamental attributes for any master
trainer namely perspective, information, and skills embedded in an identity building process.

This report captures the proceedings during the five days of the workshop with some of the
main activities, key methodologies and their rationale, insights from the group of participants
and inputs from the trainers. It is hoped that this report serves as a basis for designing an
overall framework/curriculum for capacity building in access to justice, and building a
discourse around paralegalism in South Asia.

To read the complete report, please click on the thumbnail below –